VAI Flex Pass


VAI Flex Pass


The flex pass works like a punch pass for classes at Visual Art Institute. When you purchase a flex pass online, we will prepare a card at the school and add it to the booklet in the front of the class/front office. You can attend any of our adult classes (except for ceramics) for only $12.50 per hour with the Flex Pass. You will mark off the hours by noting the date on your flex pass at the school. The flex pass works great for busy schedules who cannot come regularly, or adult students interested in trying several classes. The flex pass can be used throughout different semesters and is valid for 6 months after purchase. This $150 flex pass is good for 12 hours of class time ($12.50 per hour of class time). Please note that classes are typically 2 hours long, so you will be able to attend 6 classes with your flex pass.

*** Flex Pass will expire in 6 months after purchase date. No refunds are given for purchased flex passes. ***


Flex Passes will expire in 6 months after purchase date. No refunds are given for purchased flex passes.