Spencer B.

Spencer was a student at the Visual Art Institute from age 6 to 18. He received a scholarship and attended San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI), followed by Brigham Young University, where he studied interdisciplinary studio art. When asked about his time as a student at VAI, he spoke about lessons and activities that gave him creative experiences in the real world. Going places in the city together to draw architecture, drawing artifacts in Utah museums as a class, meeting and speaking to visiting professional artists -- these kinds of real world creative memories that VAI provided were very uplifting and valuable to Spencer in his younger years. He now works as a facilitator at Rock Tree Sky Learning Community in Ojai, California, which is a self-directed learning community for children ages 5 to 18. Spencer is a storyteller, and also works as a designer and video producer to help others tell their stories. He has used these skills to draw attention to and fundraise for communities in need. He once spent a year volunteering his campaigning talents at an organization that serves children in India. Spencer said that his experiences as a child at VAI were very instrumental in leading him to where he works now.