Carlissa S.

Carlissa began taking classes at the Visual Art Institute at age 12, and continues to attend adult classes here today! She attended Summer Figure Academy for 6 years, some years coming to both 2-week sessions. She was the Alta High School Visual Arts Sterling Scholar in 2014. She was offered a talent-based scholarship to Pacific Northwest College of Art, but chose to attend Utah State University. At USU, she was awarded a full-tuition scholarship as a Caine Scholar with an emphasis in Drawing & Painting. When asked about her experience at VAI, Carlissa said:

“Through VAI I was able to create portfolio-level pieces which showed both my skill and ability to learn. My favorite part of VAI is the community and the people who make VAI what it is. I formed life long bonds with people who are my friends, colleagues, & collaborators.”

Carlissa is currently a student at the University of Utah working on her BFA in Printmaking. She is an instructor at VAI and also helps with administrative, design, and gallery work here. She started teaching Creative Printmaking at Salt Lake Community College in 2020.